Have you ever wondered, “How can I know if God is really there?”
As a traveller, you soon discover that the rustic heartbeat of a nation's heritage is so often tied to the nature of its railway. I have heard stories of the great train journeys of the world. For some, they were the epic transcontinental routes. For others, the precarious passes that climb and sweep the contours of the mountains with the engineering excellence of the railway pioneers. Nevertheless, in reality, the Great Journeys may not consist of immense distance, remarkable engineering or even spectacular scenery. They are the journeys that capture the imagination and the heart.
If our desire is to experience the luxury of the Orient Express or to see the Great Plains of America from the back of a freight train, it is our imagination that forms our aspirations. But, whatever our expectation may be about the truly great journeys, one thing is clear -travel is part of our everyday lives.
I have a friend, David, who loves to journey between Kidderminster and Bridgnorth. Strangely, David is a real-life train enthusiast. I say 'strangely, because for him it is preferable to walk the route rather than to travel behind his beloved locomotives. But I sense that this affords him a perspective that the passengers may never appreciate. I think that sometimes we need a change of perspective in our lives. How easily we forget that the destination just as important as the journey and that the journey is just as important as the method of transportation. You see, the greatest journey is not the Orient Express or even the Gatwick Express! It is the journey that we are all on, THE JOURNEY OF LIFE.
Perhaps it is time that you had a change of perspective? We need not be passengers casually being taken to our destination; we can be drivers. We can choose our destination and we can see the world and the journey from another point of view. The question is, where is your life heading just now? To put it into railway language; there is an 'up fast line and a down fast line', which one are you on?
In a biography of Jesus, written by a man called John who knew him. Jesus is recorded as saying that God loved us so much that He sent Jesus, that whoever would believe could change their destination and have Eternal Life (St. John chapter 3 verse 16). I would like to offer you, free of charge, this remarkable biography. There is no obligation and we will not contact you unless you request us to do so. We will not keep or pass on your name and address. Are you willing to face the challenge of reading the words of Jesus as recorded by his friend?
"Unless a person is born again, they cannot enter the Kingdom of God" (John, chapter 3 verse 3)
Railway Mission has been working with Good News for Everyone (formally known as Gideons UK) to provide Railway Mission branded pocket-sized New Testament Bibles with Psalms. If you would like a copy, free of charge, please let us know.
Railway Mission is a registered charity in England and Wales (1128024). A company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (06519565)
Railway Mission
Rugby Railway Station
CV21 3LA