Railway Mission has been a friendly voice and listening ear to the rail industry since 1881. We know and care about railway people and their families.
We have a set of brochures that you can download and print. These are double-sided A4 pdf folded leaflets.
Our brochures are designed to give advice to railway managers or individuals who are concerned for others that they have contact with. Each brochure looks at a specific area
Open from here or see below for more info on each brochure.
"We cannot prevent broken hearts but, for railway passengers and employees alike, we try to be there to help to pick up the pieces."
how you feel is as individual as you are, there is no one way to grieve, and there is no one way to cope with trauma as we all experience them differently, but there are healthy ways to deal with the process of adjusting to the new reality of our life experience. Open
Being a witness to a fatal incident, or involved in the recovery process...
Our chaplains are equipped to come alongside rail staff to be a listening ear and comforting voice to those who are going through a challenging time. Open
Resilience is about building a personal capability that helps us manage the excessive demands and stresses of life while reducing the likelihood of personal anxiety.
We know that there is always hope, and always a way to face difficulties when there is someone there who is willing to stand alongside to support you through trauma, suffering and pain.
Offering an impartial, confidential listening ear, chaplains regularly meet train drivers and crew members, and staff working at stations, depots, offices, control rooms, signal boxes and line-side.
Railway Mission is a registered charity in England and Wales (1128024). A company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (06519565)
Railway Mission
Rugby Railway Station
CV21 3LA